Sunday, 26 February 2017

Embracing Bullet Journaling

Have you discovered Bullet Journaling? 

Described as the analogue system for the digital age, I thought I'd investigate what this 'new' trend was all about. The first thing I learnt is that is not as new as I thought, yet for somebody who's a bit of a stationery geek, I'd allowed it to pass me by. I now realise I had heard about Bullet Journaling a long time ago, but after skimming articles on the web, I dismissed it as I didn't have time.
But I kept getting asked whether I stocked dotted or squared notebooks, and following numerous conversations in the shop, I decided to read up about it a bit more and now I get it! Studies have suggested that we have around 50,000 thoughts going through our mind every single day and a lot of those thoughts are about the things that we task ourselves with, which can be pretty overwhelming. I'm constantly telling myself there are not enough hours in the day, but for somebody who doesn't need much sleep, I have at least 18 hours every day for me to dedicate time to different aspects of my life - work, health, social, relaxation and digital.  
I've listed these in order of what's important to me and now I plan to dedicate the right amount of time to each of them. It doesn't mean I'm suddenly going to declare I'll spend less time at work, because I don't want to do that, I love my job, but what I can do is pack as much into my 'work' hours as possible, so that it doesn't drift into, and take over, the hours I need to dedicate to the other parts of my life.
There are so many great articles on line about how to get started, as well as Pinterest and You Tube videos, I really would recommend taking a look, it might be for you, it might not, but it's worth exploring. I plan to get started today, it will mean losing a couple of hours from my precious day off, but I'm pretty sure it will be a couple of hours well spent.
Over the coming weeks, I'll let you know how I got on and hopefully learn how to add photos, but for now I need to choose a notebook ...... Rhodia or Leuchtturm1917, ooh I can't decide!!

Monday, 20 February 2017

Our First Blog Post!

One of my New Year's resolutions for 2017 was to start (and keep up) a regular blog on our website.  As we're already past the midway point in February, I really can't put it off for much longer.  We're pretty good at embracing social media, but I realise not everybody wants to engage with us this way.

So, what do I plan to share with you in this blog?  Well, anything really .... the shop, how we choose our stock, our plans, our concerns and a bit about all of us who work here.  Hopefully I can make it interesting and engaging, you'll have to let me know how I'm doing!

So this is a test post, just to make sure I'm doing things right, now to find that 'publish' button and see if it works ...